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Al Murray, aka The Pub Landlord, is standing against Nigel Farage in the UK general election

And the internet is delighted.

almurray 2 Source: The Pub Landlord

COMEDIAN AL MURRAY has announced that he will stand against Nigel Farage in the forthcoming general elections.

The comedian will stand as his character The Pub Landlord in the constituency of South Thanet as part of FUKP, otherwise known as Free United Kingdom Party.

Why South Thanet? Well, it just happens to be UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s constituency.

The comedian has uploaded a “common sense message” to voters and also outlined his decidedly tongue-in-cheek “common sense policy” on Twitter.

Among the Pub Landlord’s election pledges? He says he will bring the cost of beer down to 1p per pint.

The news of Murray’s candidacy has set social media alight with many welcoming the news, including a certain Nigel Farage.

Even Gary Lineker made his allegiances known.

On the other hand, some anti-UKIP voters are worried that Murray’s run could end up being counterproductive and lead to a split in the vote.

As for what the bookmakers are saying?

Ladbrokes have placed the Pub Landlord at 66/1 to win the constituency seat, which actually puts him ahead of the Liberal Democrats candidate. Ouch.

One thing is for certain: all eyes will be on South Thanet come May 7th.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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